Abstract Art for Beginners in Acrylics
Have you ever wanted to play in paint
with all the wonderful colors…
but were too timid to try?
Did you ever want to recapture that childlike creative spontaneity?
This workshop is a wonderful place to start.
A sense of fun and adventure is required!
'Art from Random Elements' is a 2-part series (5 sessions each).
You may register for either class or both, depending on your preference.
The classes take place at the Button Factory in Waterloo.
Register at www.buttonfactoryarts.ca
- or -
register in person at 25 Regina Street in Waterloo.
If you’re interested or have questions, please e-mail me: amyf@amyferrariart.com
Creating Art from Random Elements - A Five-Session Workshop
This is a beginner’s workshop in acrylics.
The focus is creating abstract elements,
and then finding abstract compositions within the elements.
The main goal of the workshop
is to become familiar with acrylic paints
and to begin to overcome the fear, doubt, and anxiety that people have
about creating art.
The abstract elements are created mostly by chance,
and thus provide a starting point for a composition,
which is very helpful for beginners,
because they do not have to be intimidated by the blank sheet of white paper.
The art anxiety is further relieved through a lot of silly, messy fun
and with the power of information about expressive compositions.
There is no right or wrong in this class -
what’s most important is to ‘do’ as students are exposed to
many ideas and techniques.
Along the way, we’ll be discussing the elements of composition.
We tend to go through a great deal of paper, the more, the better.
I strongly suggest students bring a ream (or half ream is plenty)
of 110 lb. white card stock from the office supply store,
which is quite economical compared to more traditional art papers.
Old clothes or at least a smock.
It’s going to get messy and acrylic paint won’t wash off fabric!!
Basic set of Acrylic Paints: Black, White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
Assortment of Brushes
110 lb. White Card Stock (From the Office Supply Store)
Additional Art Papers and Supplies are Optional.
Transforming Art from Random Elements - A Five-Session Workshop
( A natural part II for ‘Creating Art from Random Elements’ )
This class is about taking graphic elements,
and then transforming them into abstracted expressive compositions.
This is a beginner’s workshop
in the fundamentals of manipulating imagery and compositon.
Any time you have any 2-D image, (drawing, photograph, etc.)
you have a collection of graphic elements.
Since we always have a set of elements
to use as a starting point for compositions,
there is no need for anyone to be intimidated by the blank sheet of white paper.
There is no right or wrong in this class.
What’s most important is to ‘do’ as students are exposed to
many ideas and techniques.